“What do your children think about your commitment to be missionaries in Africa?”
This is one of the most common questions we are asked. We decided to let you hear directly from them about their fear, excitement and anticipation. Lauren, age 15-
“I am very scared of running into snakes, but am excited about sharing Jesus.”
Mattie Grace, age 11-
“I look forward to helping little children who need to be rocked and fed. I think God will use me as a babysitter or helper. I hope to make new friends quickly." Naomi, age 9-
“I hear there is good coffee in Ethiopia! I can’t wait to make new friends and tell them about Jesus.” Please continue to pray for the girls as they say “goodbye” to friends, family, and familiarity.
“When will you leave?”
We will depart for Ethiopia as soon as our house sells. Two weeks ago, we accepted a contract on our house! However, the contract is conditional on the sale of the buyers’ house. Please pray with us that the house will sell quickly! Our plan is to fly out of Atlanta, GA within a few days of the closing of our house.
“Where will you live in Ethiopia?”
Bingham Academy has an apartment on campus reserved for us. We will rent this apartment while serving at Bingham. Bingham is located in the capital city of Ethiopia, AddisAbaba.
“Where do you stand on your financial support?”
We are so thankful to the Lord for faithful supporters like you. Right now, we are lacking about $15,000 ($500/month) in support/pledges. All monies received prior to departure are put into our account. It is very helpful for monthly supporters to begin/continue their support during this preparation time. We are committed to serving the Lord where He is sending us and are ever so thankful for your partnership with us-financially, emotionally, and most importantly, with prayer.
Prayer Requests
*Quick sale of our house and patience for our family as we wait.
*Adequate financial and prayer support. We still need about $500 in monthly support.
*Bingham Academy still needs staff. Also pray for the academy as it continually pursues various ways to provide excellence in education and training.
*Pray for peace throughout Ethiopia despite the political unrest.
*Three (instead of only two) bag luggage allowance on the airlines.
*A contract on our house!
*90% of our financial support received/promised in four months.
*Lauren attended a student mission’s conference in February.
*Jon’s trip to Diamondhead, MS to help restore the homes of hurricane victims.
*Special family time to play together and prepare for the ministry ahead of us.