1. The darkness and silence helps create my very favorite time of the day. It is often the only silence in my day…and I cherish it enough to lose an extra an hour of sleep.
2. There is so much less traffic is on the road and on the track in the early hours…and I prefer to run in solitude. If I had my druthers, I’d never see a single person ; however, I am learning to enjoy greeting the same people on the road each morning….kind of like a silent accountability group.
3. I can plan my day, organize my thoughts, and prepare my heart for the circumstances that will undoubtedly arise. If I miss a morning run, my entire day seems a bit out of kilter.
4. It is cooler….much cooler in the mornings.
5. Listening to my Ipod makes me VERY VERY happy ! To watch the sun rise to the voice of Josh Groban starts my day with a smile on my face…geek, I am.
6. I can still get home in time to spend a few minutes watching each of our girls sleep before I must wake them for the day.
7. Even if I do nothing else all day, I’ve accomplished one thing before 6 AM.