During the rainy season, it rains every day. Every day. Every day. Sometimes it rains all night. Hard rains ALL night. I remember when we first arrived, we carried umbrellas. After about a week of that, we gave up. No way to stay dry here during rainy season. Put on our flip flops and know that we will dry out a bit when the sun comes out. Clothes rarely dry during the rainy season. Everything smells moldy (probably because it is!) but everything is so beautiful and green.
Then one day, the rains stop. Completely stop. Gradually things begin to dry up. Really dry up! We will be without rains for six months. The lush green grasses turn brown. Most everything turns brown. During harmattan season, the dusty sands of the Sahara blow in and block the sun's rays. It is like a dusty fog all the time. We must dust and mop every day. Clothes we hang out on the line come in dusty. Due to the sun's rays being blocked, it is also cold. Quite cold! We never seem to warm up.
However, in a few more weeks, harmattan will be gone. Temperatures will rise....and we will wish for this cool weather. Water is already becoming scarce. We are about out at our house, so we save all our excess water. We will never take turning on a faucet and getting water (or a switch for electricity) for granted again.
Which season do we like the most? We like them both! But we sure miss Tennessee's FOUR seasons!
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