Began the journey 36 hours ago....we made it to the airport through heavy rains, rough roads, and crazy traffic. Waited there for many hours for our flight to take off. Hung out in Germany for while. And now we are....
Stuck in Chicago.
Missed our connecting flights due to immigration and custom lines.
Stand by flight got delayed. We are praying we'll be able to get home by tonight.
So close...and yet so far.
We will only be in the States for a few weeks for R&R.
(photo: Lauren at Assop Falls)
So excited you are almost home! Can't wait to see all of you! Stuck in Chicago.. you are closer to us here in the STL than you are in Nashville! Hope the trip was safe and that you made it in last night.
Love ya'll!
I hope you all have a wonderful time back "home." Safe travels back to Africa. I ocassionally check your blog for updates. I'm on the TN scrapbooking yahoo group and you were a TA in a class I took by Rebecca S at CKU Nashville (Mar 04). You just seemed so sweet and real then. I got directed to your blog though when you left on your trip. Okay, sorry to write a book!!! LOL
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