Wow...never knew we could be SO busy!
*Jon spent some time last week with the chief of a tribe trying to negotiate a land purchase. He also helped out with the pe class' rock climbing/rappelling trip. Pray for Jon as he has felt a bit sick the last few days. He and Lauren still managed to go to the hostel to watch the Super Bowl early this morning...they made it to bed around 5 AM, only to wake up an hour later for work and school today.
*Naomi participated in the elementary school's science fair. As always, she had much fun.
*Mattie continues to play her flute EVERY day. (We've had to limit practice so chores and homework could be done.) Pray for Mattie as she is fighting a fungus on her skin. The medicine makes her a bit sleepy.
*Lauren is finishing up her last year of high school. She has applied to different colleges and we are praying for a clear direction (and a bunch of scholarships) for where she will attend in the fall.
*I still love teaching English to 81 middle school kids! We are reading some great books this year: The Giver, Number the Stars, Diary of Anne Frank, Flowers for Algernon, The Freedom Writers Diary, The Whipping Boy, and more. And beginning tomorrow, I am attending a series of Indian and Lebanese cooking classes.
*Jon and I both lead 8th grade discipleship. Please pray for our kids as they learn about prayer and God's sovereignty. Many of the kids are opening up and sharing their struggles. I am seeing so much growth in the kids and am thankful for how the Lord works in so many situations.
*Basketball season has begun. FUN! FUN!
Before Christmas our compound pitched in and had a borehole dug. Having water available all the time is a blessing we don't take for granted.
We are glad it is finally warming up here. The harmattan dust from the desert kept us quite cool (COLD at night) for a few weeks. At school we huddled together and tried to dress as warmly as possible (-a funny sight with flip flops on our feet). However, the last few days have been a bit warmer.
With mixed emotions, we are already having to think about our return to the States in May. Time is flying by this year and I am afraid it will be here in the blink of an eye. Please pray as we job, house, and car hunt from a different continent. Saying "hello" will be such a joy, but saying "goodbye" will be.....well, let's not even think about it until we have to! No goodbyes..only "see you laters!"
Blessings abound!

1 comment:
Hey Mrs. P! You are cool and we really appreciate what you are doing for us middle schoolers at Hillcrest. WE LUV U! :)
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