The last few weeks have been packed! We have celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, going-aways, and anything else we could find to celebrate. However we have been to the doctor more times in the last 2 weeks than we have in years. Exams are over. Today is the last day of school, ending with graduation tonight. Because we are still so very busy (and will be until the moment we step on the plane), I want to just share a list of all that we have experienced the last few weeks.
pain of stitches
shock of surprise parties
fatigue of malaria
inconvenience of no electricity
joy of a generator
labor of writing exams
hard work of studying for exams
fun of dressing up Nigerian style
taste of mint
mixed emotions of graduation
thrill of seeing alumni
goodness of key lime pie
congratulations of sports' awards
temperature of cooler weather
rhythm of the rains and hail
procrastination of packing up
sounds of a house full of kids
appreciation of a bore-hole
sweetness of ripening mangos
mud of soccer games
tears at senior tea
talent at art shows
music of concerts
pressure of getting everything done
concerns of the future
But most of all, the love of our life of the past two years.
mint?!?!?! that should taste awesome...lol
Dear Julie,
Your wonderfully proud mother connected me to your blog a few months ago, and I have been blessed in reading the beautifully descriptive words that you have chosen to express feelings that are almost beyond words. You and your family have obviously had a miraculous time in Nigeria, and surely have mixed emotions about returning home. After settling arrangements here in Tennessee, I would love for you and your girls to come and speak to my students at HCBA (now TKA) to share about your experience. I try to have missionaries come in each year to open the eyes and hearts of the students to sharing the love of Christ with others. Let me know if you would be willing to come and share sometime during the upcoming school year.
Lori Hart Campbell
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