10 August, 2006

Girls' Night Out

I am not a shopper. I don’t like to shop. I will put shopping off until we are desperate. The act of making a decision about an item, putting it in my buggy and buying it makes me nauseous. But I gave in last night and got it over with. Since we’ve been hurting for one-on-one time with the kids, I decided to take only Naomi with me. 9:30 PM we arrived at Walmart, grabbed a coke to share (for energy, of course) and began the adventure of hunting and dragging home items we’ll need for the next two years.

The next day, we finished. (OK, so it was only three hours later-12:30 AM)

If you are in need of Colgate, Lady’s Speed Stick or Pearls J, don’t go to the Springfield, TN Walmart. We wiped them out! The shelves are bare. I got sick (literally) after we paid. Remember-I hate to shop and hate to pay so much for items that are "disposable". Did you know that if you have $72 worth of coupons, you need a manager’s override? We praise the Lord for His provision for these items.

Naomi and I ended our “Girls’ Night Out” with a moonlit walk home because we had a flat tire about a mile from home. She skipped and talked lots and held my hand. She marveled at how bright the moon was at 1:15 in the morning and how fun it was for us to be out alone, together, just the two of us.

I crawled into bed at 2 AM.-thankful for a Girls' Night Out with my Naomi-and realized once again-circumstances aren’t nearly as important as our response to them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always you are in our daily prayers. It has been wonderful to watch the Lord work in your lives, a testimony to Him and a faith builder for all of us.