14 August, 2006

What is really important?

What do young girls do when their parents are packing?
They pack, too!

Picture this:

We gave each of the little girls a big box and told them to put everything they wanted to take to Africa in the box, then we'd pack up what was left for storage. How long have I been parenting? Obviously, not long enough!

Naomi (a week shy of 10 years old) had a variety of things in her box-full to the brim BEFORE adding her clothes! Contents included her fake snake collection, a batting helmet, a photo of friends, FIVE softballs, a candy wrapper, over 20 lbs of snake fact books, address book with three addresses in it (best friends), a sleeping bag and a stuffed Scooby Doo. Guess what this kid thinks is important? Softball, friends and snakes!

I haven't even looked in Mattie Grace's box yet. Gotta to get to it very soon...before I pick her up from a friend's house.

As we have been packing up, we realize what we find important by what we are packing first: a few photos, music, Bibles, favorite pens, Yankee tarts (Home Sweet Home fragrance, of course), and chocolate chips.

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