09 September, 2006

Raising Rabbits

OK, NOT YET! However, after a visit to our Superintendent's house last night, our girls want to raise rabbits. Lots of them. As many as possible, as quickly as possible. Upon arrival for a dinner date, Mr. Seinen captured Naomi's attention immediately as he pointed out which tree produced what fruit. (Naomi is planning a complex garden and is searching for ideas and bumming seeds everywhere we go.) After an extensive look around, Mr. Seinen showed off his rabbits. The girls thought they were cute, especially the little ones, but didn't have the affection for them like they did when we left.

We had one of the best meals we've had in Nigeria-"Chicken Curry"- complete with fresh pineapple, coconut, nuts, cheese, bananas, and many more toppings! We ate LOTS and enjoyed every morsel. Meat is quite expensive here and we've tried to be creative in getting our protein, so we really enjoyed this meal! In fact, it reminds me of eating at my high school principal's house (Dr. Kellum) when I was Lauren's age. Mrs. Kellum served up a very impressive and oh, so fun spread of chicken curry with many toppings.

As we left last night, Mr. and Mrs. Seinen shared their "chicken" curry recipe. When I asked about the boiled chicken, I got a quiet chuckle from both of them. They looked at each other and then whispered in my ear, "That wasn't chicken, it was rabbit. That is why we raise rabbits." We hesitated to share this with the girls for a few minutes. What would they think? Poor little Peter Cottontail was murdered for their meal. Well, I guess a few weeks in Nigeria can change your view of Mr. Cottontail. Naomi's response: "Cool, Mom, can we raise rabbits? They are REALLY good!"

With the girls' minds now in "protein" gear, our new little compound goats better watch out! Naomi might not be satisified with only what comes out of her garden.

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