12 January, 2008

Lizzie and a Smile Update

Naomi's new pet is Lizzie, the lizard. Trust me on this: Lizzie is FAST, curious, and likes to escape at least once a day. Never a boring afternoon around here. She eats cockroaches. Naomi loves having any type of pet. Africa has proven to be a great provider of pets.

On Friday, Lauren and Naomi made their monthly trip to Abuja for their orthodontist appointments. It was Naomi's LAST one because she got her braces off! She only has 8 permanent teeth, so we will have to wait until she looses her baby teeth to see if she will need more work. Right now, they look great. She has an entirely differently look from 18 months ago...when her bottom teeth could not fit under her top ones. Now, a perfect bite! To make this possible, an orthodontist from Rwanda who lives in Lagos flies into Abuja once a month....we drive down (4 hours) to meet her at a borrowed dental clinic where she works her magic.

Lauren is not as joyful as Naomi. She had bands (three) put on causing MUCH pain. More than when she first got her braces on, I think. Today she ate mashed potatoes. I think she 'needs' ice cream! I keep reminding her that she will be happy one day with the results. Patience, my dear...patience.


suzi finer said...

I love a lizard; had a few myself over the years. Sweet.
Teeth can be so expensive...I hope her dentist can ease the fear (and pain!!!)
love to you from Beverly Hills,
Suzi Finer

Anonymous said...

Naomi, love your beautiful new smile! And be strong, dear Lauren. I got my braces off over 25 years ago and i STILL remember how much those new bands hurt. Erin is going insane with her braces, too. She's pretty much had them on for about four years now (with a little break in between). Hopefully, this summer she'll get them off. Sending much love and prayers to each of you!