This morning we woke to an invitation from our neighbors. We were able to watch the slaughtering of a cow. The girls learned quite a bit of biology and even a few butchering methods. (They also learned to stand back when the machete comes down!)
-Yep, we've been hurting for entertainment around here!-

Later, we went to Gidan Bege (House of Hope in Hausa) to visit with a deaf ministry. Although many were traveling to villages for the holidays, there were about 40 people there to greet us. They humbly asked for Bibles, Christian books, and a few other things to help their ministry. For many, I was the first bature/baturia (white person) they had ever seen using sign language. I pray for funds, energies, and others to help this under reached group of believers who want to spread the Good News with fellow deaf people.

Tomorrow will be spent quietly (HA!) in the morning at home and then to our friend's village to celebrate. We will post more photos and an update on how Grandmama is holding up.
and people say that you can't learn anything being homeschooled!
Merry Christmas my beautiful friend - and to your family too.
I miss you
Love, Cheri
Chad (my 4 yr old) says the "i love you" sign is how you say "i love you in spanish when your deaf
Love and miss you!
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