NASB: I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
GWT: Nothing makes me happier than to hear that my children are living according to the truth.
KJV: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
ASV: Greater joy have I none than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4
No matter how it is said, there really is NO greater joy than to see your own children living according to His truth-filled with compassion, obedience, and faith. These last three months could not have been much more difficult for our children. We sold the house that we all loved and moved across the world-so far from their friends and family. They came to this unknown place, only with two boxes of personal items and the security of their family and God.
Over the last few months, they have developed new friendships, adjusted to a new school, learned to communicate in a different language, depended on email for news from 'home', learned to be content with much less and grabbed opportunities to share the hope that is within them. Each of our girls had a very difficult time with this transition. It didn't come miraculously or with little effort. They have struggled to make the transition-and each has gone through very unique trials that we can label spiritual warfare, without a doubt! However, with much prayer from close friends and family (both in the states and on the field), counseling, and perseverence, they are seeing the fruits of obeying the Lord and striving to be right where He wants them to be. Please continue to pray for our daughters: Lauren, Mattie Grace, and Naomi. May the Lord be glorified as they continually surrender their lives to Him.

Mattie with the prayer group she leads each afternoon
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