Every year at Hillcrest, one week is set aside as SEW-Spiritual Emphasis Week. Weekly chapel becomes daily chapel and a special speaker brings encouragement and challenges to students and staff. This week has been SEW.... and so very great! Steve Strickland from North Carolina has been a wonderful speaker, encourager and super fun guy. The kids have been excited about going to chapel and they are holding on to his every word. Quite a few kids are part of a special praise band/choir, complete with drums, violin, flute, guitar, piano and more. Today I thought of the verse that says, "there is no greater joy than to know my children walk in the Truth." Please join us in praying for our students who are not walking in the Truth. This realization brings me to my knees and to tears so very often.
Jona (9th grader in photo with stripped shirt) shared his testimony with the school. What a joy it is to see the fire of the Lord burning in a 15 year old!
If I could use the words of the kids, Uncle Steve (as the students called him) ROCKED! His passion for the Word was evident as he shared every day. During class on Friday, we reviewed each lesson Uncle Steve had shared and my middle schoolers could recall them each with no trouble. That, my friends, is incredible. Uncle Steve also provided SO much more. As he hung out with the kids, they fell in love with him...and he fell in love with them. (Not hard to do!)

Photos: Jona and friends
Uncle Steve hugging on a middle schooler
Some middle school kids with Steve
Praise team leading worship
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