You know you are a MK in Africa when....
....you beg to raise baby bushrats.
While fellow missionaries were cleaning out a storage room beside our house, a batch of bushrats were discovered. Three large adult ones were killed, leaving four baby bushrats. They were so young their eyes had not yet opened. Of course, nature-girl Naomi rushed to their rescue. She fixed a little box for them and prepared some milk in a dropper bottle. She has loved on them all day. However, news got around and we were informed that we are not allowed to keep them. (Something about rats carrying diseases-who knew? HA! ) They will be given to a friend who raises snakes! Since Naomi loves snakes, she didn't seem too troubled by this news. However, she has just moved them inside so they don't get cold tonight...before we can get them to the snake man.
typical Nai ... at least this time blood wasnt shed to fix the home !!!
Are those the same things as grass cutters? I'm guessing the guards were eating them for dinner. Am I right?
i love you! you're such an individual... the one person who can almost make me get attached to RATS!
you're the best little sister in the world!
<3 Lauren
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